Saturday, October 13, 2012

Daydreaming and Relationship Statuses.

Hello World! Lets boost some self esteem!

What are you doing right now? I can tell you I'm not doing anything exciting. It's Saturday night, and what am I doing? Sitting on my laptop. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't like this all the time. But guess what! I am.. *sigh* #ForeverAlone

What was I going to talk about..? Oh yeah. QUESTION TIME! Do you ever day dream? Cause I do. Let's be proper and look up the definition of a "day dream" so we can be sophisticated and some shit or something..

There ya have it! See... I seem to have this bad habit of daydreaming, but know what's ironic? It only happens when it's absolutely critical that I be paying attention in the real world. UGHHH. Like just the other day I was sitting in french class with the rest of my peers and BA BOOM I start to think about how I haven't blogged in like a month and that I should probably blog to impress all of my HUNDREDS of followers (so myself, ya know..cause the whole #ForeverAlone thing..) and then the teacher called on me and she was like  "Alors, que pensez-vous est la raison principale, il ya de la pauvreté dans le monde?" and I was like.. I HAVEN'T BEEN LISTENING THE LAST LIKE 10 MINUTES AND I REALLY WISH I HAD GOOGLE TRANSLATE IN FRONT OF ME RIGHT NOW!!!

okay..i'm done ranting.. But do you get my point???

On another note, let's talk about love. WHAT IS LOVE? BABY DON'T HURT ME..DON'T HURT ME..NO MORE.. shit, now that song's in my head..

I'm single!!! #ForeverAlone (I've said that like 100 times..okay so like 3..) What about you imaginary followers? Are you single? Or are you "In a relationship, engaged, married, it's complicated, in an open relationship, widowed, separated, divorced, in a civil union, or in a domestic partnership" as Facebook likes to offer. Well whatever you are, do you like it? Because I'm perfectly content with my "relationship status" and I hope you are too. And if you're not, well..then change it! Pretty simple concept my beautiful followers.. (me..#ForeverAlone) Why did I start talking about this? Weird, we went from talking about daydreaming in French class to love.. well as they say, French is the language of love. How romantic! ...and cheesy..

Well I've successfully passed the time on this lovely Saturday night. So kudos to me! Have a lovely evening/day or whatever it may be for you. Toodle-loo!  <3

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

Hello world. Did you miss me? Oh that's right, nobody actually reads this. Oh well, I will still pretend so I can feel better about myself and not give up on this blog completely like I have been doing. I could sit here and make up some excuse as to why I haven't been posting...but the truth of it all is that I just really lost interest in it all. But here we are, back to try once again! Warning: I'm probably going to give up 20 more times before I actually start posting on a regular basis. Any who, onto the good stuff.

What do you consider a guilty pleasure? I didn't really know the "fancy proper definition" until I googled it (all praise the googly overlords!) So here ya go...

Isn't that wonderful! I learned something new today. Fantastic. Thank you, Google. What were we talking about? Oh yeah.. I now present you with my top 5 guilty pleasures!

5. Purchasing Starbucks.  I mean it costs almost $5 for a small. While it is delicious and leaves you feeling refreshed while giving you a little extra caffeine boost...It's still ridiculously expensive for Coffee, and gas station cappuccino, or homemade coffee is a much better option.

4. Electronic devices. While extremely helpful in today's world by providing services for school, work, and entertainment... You can't help but feel extremely guilty by waisting hours upon hours by having your eyes lodged on a computer screen, television, I-pod, or cell phone.

3. Spending money on useless items. Do I even need to explain this one? I will anyways. So have you ever gone to a store, and walked into one of those dollar sections and saw one of the prettiest little pieces of crap that you ever saw and thought "IT'S ONLY A DOLLAR!! I MUST HAVE IT!!" even though you're probably never going to use it, or it's gonna break the next day? Yup. That's what I'm talking about.

2. Fried Foods. Oh yum. We all know this feeling. You walk up to the cashier at McDonald's and say "Uh, yes, I'll take a big mac with a large fry, and what the heck..SUPER SIZE ME!" There goes your calorie intake for the week.

1. Sitting around and doing absolutely nothing. Some people call this "being lazy." I'm pretty sure I'm one of the laziest people I know. I could just sit my butt down on a chair and not do anything for hours. I often catch myself saying "I need to do something with my life" but in the end I always end up staying on my butt and doing nothing. That's just how I roll.

So there you have it. My guilty pleasures. If you read this far, then I award you with a gold star for sticking with me till the end.
Awww, look it has sparkles.
Have a wonderful day comrades, Toodle loo.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Axe & Procrastination

Ever walk past someone and the only thing you can think is "DUDE DID YOU JUST BATHE IN AXE!?!?" yes. I'm sure we all have experienced this. Today while walking in the freshman hallway I experienced this. Either they physically take the bottle and spray it out in midair every two seconds, or they bathe in it. It's quite a conspiracy. I suppose they are freshman so they are exploring their bodily odors (oh gross. thats sounds so icky) but like seriously why do guys think that if they dump a bottle of axe all over their body that girls be attracted to them? TIP FOR GUYS: Two sprays of axe or whatever cologne you use at most!!!! Got it?!?!?
Tee-Hee ^_^

Sooooooo as you've probably noticed (or not because I don't really have any followers) I have not bloged in a week...-or two- but yeah I've been uber (is that even a word?) with life and what not. Ya know how it goes. School, family, friends, yadda yadda. I promise I'll be better my followers! oh yeah....thats right, I have none. I like to pretend I have followers sometimes. Makes me feel all special and what not.....So...yeah....I'm gonna akwardly end this blog....TA-TA! Eat your vegetables!!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Days & Chihuahuas

SNOW DAY! Haha, took em' long enough! It's a depressing thought to think that its the end of Febuary and we're just now having a snow day...thats Wisconsin for ya. Heres how snow days work:
Afternoon- *realization that you're trapped inside for a whole day*
Evening- I wanna go back to school!!! D:
Now I realize not everybody is like this, but if you were stuck home with 3 loud/annoying sibblings for an entire day you'd be like this too. Im dreading summer. You're probably thinking "WOAH WOAH WOAH, did she just say that?!? Did she Actually say she isn't looking forward to summer?!" yup. Summers are sooo much more busy then your typical school year for me and half the time I have to get up way earlier then I would for regular ol' school! And when I'm not doing summer school (7:20-12ish in the morning) tennis (2-4ish) and a musical (5-7ish) I'm spending time with my obnoxious sibblings! Oh lord help me.

Ever heard of the movie "Beverly Hills Chihuahua's" k well if you haven't then don't bother looking it up or watching it. It may very well be one of the weirdest/lamest movies in the entire world. Granted, its probably enjoyable for little children to watch a bunch of tiny dogs run around and talk and go on wonderful little adventures or whatever......but is it just me or does something about talking animals freak you out? It's probably just me. I'm weird like that. After I saw the first one I'm like " that was weird" No way did I think there would be a second one! But of course they just haaaaaad to make a "Beverly Hills Chihuahua's 2" it wrong to say it was a slightly amusing movie :P QUESTION! Do you think dressing up "purse dogs" is wrong? Most people say "OHMYGOD YES! Poor things have to sit around in ugly clothing!!!" um. Maybe they like it? I mean how do we know what dogs do and do not like? It's like high heels! Some girls love them, some girls hate them. Who are we to judge the puppy cuteness of the adorable puppy clothes?!? I mean just look at this!
I've come to the realization that this dog is probably more pampered then me......
I'm gonna go cry now that I've realized some dogs are more fortunate then human beings. *sigh*
Ta-Ta for now! Eat your vegetables!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stalkers & Chocolate

Do you ever get that akward feeling that somebody is watching you? Mhm. I've had that feeling all day. It's quite strange actually...and I hate it. One of my biggest fears is being chased, and so the thought of somebody following/watching me is pretty creepy. So just warning, don't ever pop out at me unless your striving for a black eye and a bloody nose.

Have you ever had one of those weird song kicks? Ya know like you only listen to the same three songs for a week over and over and over and over? I'm going through one of these at the moment, its driving me crazy because the freaking song won't leave my head! RAH! Oh well, it could be a lot worse like I could have the song "It's raining men" in my head...oh look what I've done, now THAT songs in my head! LORD HELP ME!

Do you sleep with a teddy bear? I do. His name is ted. I've had him since I was about six years old. Some people think its strange...but not me. I like him a lot and I'm not ready to give him up. Teddy Bears aren't just for little kids! It's perfectly normal for a fifteen year old to be sleeping with a teddy bear!.............I just realized that I have no life....meh.

IM MUMBLING. I'm having shoe withdrawal. I need a new pair ASAP and I think I know just the girl to call to take me on a little thrifting adventure, and I'm sure you are just bouncing up and down thinking "Who! Who! Oh who is Delaney talking about!" I am talking about none other then my favorite person in the entire world "The Narcissistic Ginger" She is the godess of fashion and I need a shopping trip with her ASAP, so Amanda if you're reading this then gimme a call!

I need chocolate....ok so I don't neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed chocolate, but it is something I want extremely bad. Hm. Theres a lot of things in this world we don't "need" but without them then America would be an extremely crabby society. For example; I don't need to re-decorate my room but I want to, my room is perfectly fine and my mama put a lot of hard work into it, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm selfish. Or just like I don't need a personal laptop, but I want one -the family laptop is perfectly fine and almost nobody uses it except me but since I'm greedy and I want one so it can be "mine." Ah American society, you are greedy. Hold your panties! I realize there are a lot of great people out there that are doing great things and giving to others, but I'm a not and a whole bunch of other people aren't either. People are greedy, its just a fact of life. How did this start? Oh right. I was talking about chocolate :P

I'm becoming un-interesting and boring. I should probably go. Ta-Ta! Eat your vegetables!

tee-hee ^-^

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cows & Narcissistic Gingers.

Today began like any other normal day. I got up, went to school -pretty much dazed out the whole day, came home and asked myself "well...what now." As you see, I find myself extremely bored after school. I usually do the normal routine of playing Call of Duty, but today I'm like HAHA! I'M GONNA BLOG! I was so proud of myself. I believe I deserve a high five.
Moving On. One of my favorite things to do is bake...I'm not very good at it, and I have no artistic ability whatsoever, but hey a girl can dream! The most absolute adorable thing in the entire world
-besides me- is cupcakes! They are small and delicate and cute and ah I'm mumbling! While I was googling away I found some pretty sweet cupcakes that I would love to make, but we come back to the issue of no artistic ability I guess I'm just gonna stare at the picture and pretend that I can do this.

JUST LOOK AT THEM! THEY ARE FREAKING LITTLE ADORABLE COWS! Excuse me...I'm having a moment. There was something important I had to say but the little cows distracted me...AH! I remember now! I wanted to take a moment to thank "The Narcissistic Ginger" AKA one of my bestest buddies Amanda who inspired me to make a blog. I mean why not! It's pretty freaking awesome to put all of your thoughts out into the world, its like a diary that everyone can read and you never loose the key too! (unless of course you loose your password...but that just means your too dumb to have a blog anyways.) I'm getting side tracked, back to Amanda. Thank you girly! You're amazing and beautiful and I love your work and your freaky obsession with Black Swan ;)
Oh Lord I love her and her amazing red lipstick. Isn't she just gorgeous?!?!?!

My eye is starting to twitch...that usually means I'm having Video Game withdrawal, so I should probably fix that before I have a heart attack and die. Bye for now! Ta-Ta, eat your vegetables!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Take One.

Hello... I don't know what to say. I suppose I should start by introducing myself. I am Delaney, your typical girl from Wisconsin. Some of my favorite things to do are reading, playing music, and playing video games -my favorite being Call of Duty haha you'll probably be hearing a lot more about my freaky obsession with COD. I have a pretty gosh dang normal life, I have a mommy and a daddy and three other sibblings. It can get crazy sometimes, but it sure is fun. I am out-going and kind of crazy, my friends say thats why they love me. If I could do anything before I die, I would go sky-diving -even though I'm deathly affraid of heights, flying, and falling...we'll see how well that goes. One thing that you will learn from me is that I have horrible grammar and spelling and what I write, do, and say is usually all over the place. Well since my first "blog" is pretty boring and I don't know how else to introduce myself I think I'll just go. Ta-Ta, eat your vegetables :)